If translated from Croatian, the name of this place would be A Pub Under the Linden. In the Slavic mythology, the linden was considered a sacred tree, representing friendship, loyalty and tenderness. In Croatia, linden often occupied a central place in rural communities, around churches or in the center of villages. Under its treetop, village meetings were held.

But the pub (bertija) in this story is not an ordinary pub, nor is it under an ordinary linden. Under its treetop, Matija Gubec, a Croatian revolutionary, best known as the leader of the Croatian-Slovenian peasant revolt led the peasant army during its last stand at the Battle of Stubicko Polje in February of 1573. Although the tree itself is very old, the house (bertija) is a bit younger – the host told us it is something over two hundred years old. It became an interesting tourist destination, operating the most throughout spring and summer.

Bertija pod lipom consists of two main rooms and a detached part which is used as a kitchen and a bathroom for pub proposes. Both rooms are filled with only traditional items so it seems like you just walked in a house from the 19th century.

Bertija pod lipom 1

Group of locals having a drink.

Bertija pod lipom 2

Room filled with traditional household items.

Bertija pod lipom 2-5

Bertija pod lipom 17

Bertija pod lipom 3

To our surprise, the little pub had Coke and Franck coffee.

Bertija pod lipom 4

Vu plavem trnaci is a song from Vice Vukov.

Bertija pod lipom 5

Oven, stove and an iron.

Bertija pod lipom 6

Bertija pod lipom 7

Bertija pod lipom 8

Bertija pod lipom 9

Bertija pod lipom 10

Book of impressions is filled with positive comments.

Bertija pod lipom 11

Bertija pod lipom 12

Gigantic barrel in the back of the house. The sign says ‘Pod lipon, nad pipom’ – translated: Under the linden, above the tap.

Bertija pod lipom 13

Bertija pod lipom 14

Bertija pod lipom 15

Bertija pod lipom 16

Bertija pod lipom is one of the cutest places in Hrvatsko zagorje, just an hour away from the city of Zagreb.

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